2019 – the year of a Culture Tune Up

January 17, 2019

ISSN# 1545-2646

2019 – the year of a Culture Tune-Up

As you read this, I have recently returned from an industry conference on the impact of “Culture” on the success of businesses. Over the past few years, there has been a growing appreciation for the role that business culture has on the overall performance of a business. From impacting the environment and relationships between employees and customers to attracting the best talent and keeping them engaged and contributing to the organization’s purpose.

We have all seen company vision and mission statements and blew them off as just words on paper or a nice plaque in the lobby. We all have unfortunately experienced less than a great customer experience only to have it followed up with an even less valued experience telling us they were sorry etc. I’m here to let you know that this does not have to be the norm. In fact, it can’t be the norm if your organization is going to thrive moving forward.

Every organization has their challenges, stumbles and makes mistakes. You try to avoid them and when they happen you take steps to hopefully eliminate them from reoccurring in the future. The goal is not to have great systems for responding to the failure. It MUST be to have a great framework that enables your organization’s talent to take care of business from the very beginning. This is where your business culture can either shine and be engaging or where it simply exists as words on paper.

This “Culture” thing can be sometimes a mystery to both business owners and staff. Everybody can talk about it in generalities, but it can be difficult to put your finger on it or describe it in a way in which others could understand. For example, try describing how you emotionally love someone. There is more to the description than some words can convey to the degree you want them to take on. This is the type and intensity you should want your business culture to be.

So how do you get there?

Over the next 12 weeks join us on a Journey. Our weekly communication will walk you through the steps to look at your culture. What it really is or is not. This journey will lay out the steps, so you can then decide where you want to take your company’s culture.

This week look at your organization through the lens of a third-party observer. What do they see and how would they describe your company’s culture? Jot down what you observe and think about your current culture. Capture not just your observations but also what is causing it and what would be improved should it get tuned up in 2019.

Want a more personalized Culture Tune-Up in 2019? Call JKL Associates at (313) 527-7945 and let’s start a conversation.

Questions or comments – email us at partners@jklassociates.com or call our Offices – MI at (313) 527-7945 FL at (407) 984-7246
Our Purpose – To build Cultures, Businesses, People, and Relationships with a Purpose based Passion, so that all can engage their talents for greatest contribution in whatever endeavor they seek.  A life where a “Promise” means something!


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 Copyright – JKL Associates 2019

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