Purpose and Vision

September 28, 2017

ISSN# 1545-2646

Purpose and Vision

In recent years as the millennials have entered the work place there has been more discussion about their need to be part of something greater.  Working is not just about having a career and making money.  It has more dimensions including how their job contributes to a purpose.

In the past, an organization would craft a “Vision” and post it in their lobby and put it on their marketing materials.  It broadcasts where the organization was headed and to some degree how they were going to get there.  It typically touched on some core values and maybe even identified their purpose.

Today we need to appreciate that these aspects of business – Purpose and vision are not just marketing statements but are grounded in the “Why” (a heartfelt feeling) a business is doing what it does beyond profit. This Purpose is the muscle behind your organization’s success.

Trust me, profit is critical to a business’s ability to continue the path of realizing its’ vision and purpose.  The difference is those organization’s which embrace purpose and vision as more than words on a page have a unique advantage to attract, keep and grow the talent to deliver on their purpose.

Vision is the road map to a destiny. Purpose is the guiding light which leads you along the path to that same destiny.

One without the other is like trying to read the map in a total darkened room.  You know you have a map in your hands but none of the visuals can be detected. Same is true for holding the guiding light.  The light may shine bright giving you opportunity to see where you are going, but if you have no direction then you wander aimlessly along the path to potential greatness.

By defining your Purpose, Vision and Core Values you create the foundation of a “Promise Culture” by which you operate your organization’s success. Commitments are made every day in both the work setting and our personal lives. Which ones have the gravity to have an impact on the future?

This week look at your organization’s Vision, Values and Purpose if you have one defined. Do you as the leader hold yourself accountable to what they espouse on a daily basis?  Does your staff know what they are and can they translate them into their daily activities? Do your customers know your “Promises” and do they realize the benefits of those commitments?

Is your business foundation in need of repairs? It is time to call JKL Associates at (313) 527-7945 to bring your purpose to life.

Questions or comments – email us at partners@jklassociates.com or call our Office at (313) 527-7945
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 Copyright – JKL Associates 2017

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