Time rolls on

It is hard to believe that four months are already done for 2024. One-third of the year is complete. It is a good time to step back and evaluate your progress toward what you set out to accomplish this year. Maybe you are on track or ahead of schedule. Maybe you have become distracted and slipped off your course. Now is the time to either make course corrections or build on an already great effort.

Time rolls onRead More »

Spring is traditionally a time when the earth renews itself. Trees bud, flowers blossom, birds lay eggs, and the world turns again to a new start. Maybe this year, we can all learn from nature and start anew with our culture. Maybe this season, we can refresh our relationship by respecting each other in all matters.

Spring – a time of renewalRead More »

Training vs Development

Last week, we discussed the growth of the owner, from starting with a job in the business to the growth opportunity of being an asset owner. We highlighted that this is not a casual effort and must be part of the focus and expectation of the desired outcomes of business ownership. With that same understanding of it being part of the end game expectations, the investment in team members must also be made to support that growth plan.

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The Tax Man

The annual contribution to reconcile our taxes for another year has come and gone. Our culture has many challenges in front of us. The tax season, which allows for many of the services we all enjoy, is important to keep in proper perspective. Individually, we could not afford what collectively we can all achieve with participation in our tax system.

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Leading vs Managing

For the last 35 years, JKL Associates has been helping business people move through the various stages of business acquisition, operations, and perpetuation. We have regularly referenced that many initial business buyers or startups acquire or purchase themselves a job. Over time and with development, they move into the role of…

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There is no I in Team

As the baseball and softball seasons roll out at all levels of play, from the Major Leagues to the school playground, our culture has a new opportunity to focus on building up the value of being part of a team and diminishing the negative energy created by making it all about a single person.

There is no I in TeamRead More »

Listening vs Hearing

As we launch into the fourth month of 2024, it is a good time to assess our progress. Are you on pace to achieve your business goals and objectives? What have you learned since the beginning of the year that has either distracted you or enabled you to move forward or fall further behind?

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No April Fool

Although we joke about April 1st being April Fool’s Day and use the time to poke fun at and with our friends and colleagues, it is really important that we stay true to appreciating and understanding the impact our pranks can have on those around us. We don’t always know what else is going on in someone else’s life, and our unintentional actions can cause pain under the surface.

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