Having the awesome role of engaging with leaders on a daily basis gives me a unique opportunity to watch individuals grow over the course of time. As I watch others evolve, I also am honored to grow right alongside of them. Each interaction allows both of us in one way or another to learn. We discover, via exploration, something which might have been hidden from our general review of a topic or situation. When something needs to be dealt with, our initial reaction is what is conscious at that moment in time. Our awareness of our state of various dynamics such as mental, emotional, physical, and other inputs all influence our next actions. Our immediate and very conscious awareness of these inputs mature as we grow, learn, develop, experiment and value the results of the actions taken for various situations.
Our conscious mind which is most present for our moment-to-moment transactions is like a computer searching hard drive sequences of both our conscious and subconscious mind. The search is for bits and pieces to use in the next conscious transaction. Unlike the computer, we tend not to frame or structure our calls for subconscious data very well and thus the pile of highly valuable input stored in the subconscious mind does not naturally surface when the event or circumstances present themselves.
This is where leaders, over time, transition from entry level conscious and subconscious mind access to a fuller access of subconscious data which has been stored from past experiences. In my role as Promise Guide, this process of assisting a leader to gain real time access effectively and efficiently to the storage of billions of data points in the subconscious mind is one of the most valuable contributions to the relationship between leader and guide.
One might consider age or maturity as factors in the growth of a leader and those elements are part of the timeline of knowledge and data point gathering. Unfortunately, the collection of data does not always transfer into future application and appropriate use. If a leader has several years of transactions which have been recorded and stored in their subconscious mind but are not tapped into and used for productive means, then all they are is taking up space. Additionally, some of the transactions stored in the vast number of data points could very well be tainted or seasoned with bias.
Genuinely great people which others reference in the framework as “Best in Class” leaders have taken the time to collect data and regular use those data points to further their ability to lead. By taking time to allow your conscious mind to seek input from the subconscious mind provides not only the opportunity for a better outcome to the situation but also engages the full powers of the mind in support of the transaction.
This week as you continue your development as “World Class” leaders of business, take some time to separate your conscious mind immediate reaction with your subconscious mind retrieval and action. It sounds easy but if you are not pausing and training your mind to access the proper data points then you might just be living in only your conscious mind. Great leaders deploy all the tools in their toolbox of their subconscious mind. Give it a try and you will be amazed at the bounty of information you can bring to your next actions.
Need a Promise Guide to trigger the process of becoming a World Class leader – Give your Promise Guide a call at (313) 527-7945 in Michigan or (407) 984-7246 in Florida. Or go onto our calendar below and schedule an initial meeting which works best on your busy schedule. JKL Associates looks forward to continuing to build relationships rooted in “Purpose.”