September 3, 2020
ISSN# 1545-2646
A time for reflecting on labor
This weekend we celebrate the value of labor. A time to pause and reflect on all those who contribute to the benefits we all enjoy in our society. This year we have had many challenges to embrace and overcome. Some are still being dealt with while others may appear to be behind us still linger as we move closer toward the end of the calendar year.
On Labor Day, take a few minutes to say a prayer for all those who during the course of the COVID-19 pandemic have gone above and beyond in their labor for humankind —
Our Doctors, Nurses and associated hospital and medical staff, Research and other scientist,
Our Police, Firefighters, Emergency Medical personnel and First Responders,
Our essential workers in grocery stores, drug stores and many other providers of goods and
Our postal carriers and various delivery service personnel including UBER and Lyft drivers for food
2020 has been a year of many disruptions, distractions, challenges and changes. Let us all who enjoy our freedoms give proper respect to all who labor for our nation.