May 17, 2018
ISSN# 1545-2646
Battery Re-Charging
The unofficial start of summer is just a couple of weeks away with the celebration of Memorial Day. Many of your team will be taking time off work to vacation with their families and friends. Although this can put a strain on the workload, it is critical that everyone take the time to re-charge their battery.
Recharging can take many forms. Some like to take longer, full week get away type trips while others will mix Friday/Monday long weekends to get shorter but more frequent time away from their work activities. Some will even add an interesting change and take days in the middle of the week, so they get weekends off and then work a day or so and another two days off etc.
As business leaders you too MUST take a break! You do yourself nor your business any good if you burn the candle at both ends and eventually burn up.
Regardless of your particular approach, it is critical to decompress from work (deadlines, commitments and stress) and even more importantly to get a technology break. Set that “Smart” phone aside and turn off your PC. Believe it or not the world will survive without you for a few days or even just a few hours.
The business world is faster, more competitive, harder driving and expectations seem to only escalate. This just compounds the need to cut the work cord and plug in the battery re-charger on yourself.
This week – here is an exercise you can try to test your organizations’ readiness for you to be away and unable to have communication with them. Consider planning a trip remote enough that cell service would not be available, and the Wi-Fi signal is non-existent. Then start reviewing each department and what and how they would react to issues you have typically dealt with to resolve. Do they have the necessary skills and tools to address the issues? What transfer of knowledge is not in place, so they could handle the situation? Have you empowered them to make such decisions? These are just a few of the questions you should ask yourself and capture your reactions/answers. This gives you the list of leadership development needs you MUST put in place regardless if you take the trip or not. Have confidence in your team and they will rise to the occasion.
Need a partner to help you formulate the plan? It is time to call JKL Associates at (313) 527-7945.
Questions or comments – email us at or call our Office at (313) 527-7945
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