No shame in working

Every business owner is challenged with the lack of people to fill roles in their organization. Some might want to point blame on any number of factors. The reality is that there is no shame in working for a living. Taking pride in accomplishment and contribution validates self-worth and confidence. As leaders we are all responsible for pulling each other up and not pushing each other down.

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In this time in history where so many people are self-absorbed, we need to pause and take time to gather real insights into ourselves. We need to then determine how we can use these key understandings to make ourselves more available to others so to better those around us as well as ourselves. Take being self-absorbed and radiate it out to help others be more than they currently are.

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Learning from Failure

Growth is not without challenges and in some cases failure. Depending on what you do with the failure determines if you will learn from it and grow or dismiss it and stay stagnant. We always have a greater opportunity to learn from our failures than from our successes.

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Building Discipline

A routine or discipline can be formed to either enhance a situation or be destructive toward it. When seeking self-development growth, building discipline will support more dramatic growth. If the routine is contrary to the outcome, then it invades the situation and causes significant impact to progress and results.

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In a society where self and instant gratification are everywhere, it is a challenge for individuals to seek and find the place where personal accountability elevates itself to its proper place. It is also difficult to define the standard or norm by which accountability is valued. If truth and honesty are not part of the accountability standard, then being personally accountable might be misaligned.

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As we return to the daily grind of work, school or other distractions, may we not quickly forget what Memorial Day is all about. It is not just another day off work or out of school. It is a tribute to those men, women, children of all races and creeds which gave all so that our country have freedoms the majority of the rest of the world only dream about. May we never forget – may we always remember.

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There has been a tendency to want to re-write history to affect a new way of viewing the events of the past. We do need to make sure history reflects what actually took place, but we must guard against trying to dismiss memories simply because we wanted a different outcome. History is a most valuable teacher. Re-writing the story does not change the outcome, only blurs the view of it.

Dismissing memories does not erase themRead More »