As we focus on leadership during the January 2022 Guide Posts, today we explore the concepts of discipline as a direct contributor to your success as not only a leader in your organization but in life itself. There are numerous examples of those who have achieved greatness as a result of the discipline they put into their daily routine as the launching pad to their success.
This past summer the world united around the summer Olympic games in Japan. Athletes from countries around the world came to the venues to showcase their athletic prowess. The Olympics is a major event in the world, and we celebrate not only the gold medal winners but each and every athlete who represented their countries. These athletes were the leaders in their sport. Each and everyone of them made specific sacrifices to ready themselves for the grand stage of the Olympics. This took daily discipline to reach the levels of their achievement.
As business leaders we may never be in the athletic league of Olympians. We are in a very prestigious level of leadership in the business we grow, the communities we live in and the families we support, both our own and the many who count on the business for careers, jobs or simply income.
It is easy to focus on the athletic discipline of top-level athletes with the daily workout routines, their coaches, their nutrition guides etc. As business leaders you too can and should have the same level of daily routines and disciplines to take your business game to the highest levels it can achieve. Let’s explore a couple for your consideration.
As a business leader you too have a direct and necessary responsibility to take care of “YOU.” Your personal health must be a discipline you take very seriously. Many people are counting on you to be at your best level of performance each and every day whether in the office or not. So, do you have a discipline of proper eating, physical activity etc.?
Another discipline is that of building up your team and their abilities to contribute rather than thinking it is their responsibility. Yes, they too have an obligation to invest and build themselves up. As the leader, you provide the culture and environment to support and place energy into their growth. In today’s business climate, you must be their coach. Professional athletes have coaches to build their contribution performance so also do your team members. Speaking of coaches, you also should have your own set of personal advisor coaches or guides. They help you with the routines and disciplines and help you hold yourself accountable to your own personal growth and development.
This week it is time for you to take that first step if you have not already done so and designed your growth via discipline, routine, and guided coaching. Let 2022 be the year you and your organization not only achieve goals and objectives but surpass them while having the time of your life in the process.
Here at JKL Associates we are committed to your success. Through respectful, authentic engagement we assist you in higher accountability and best in class outcomes. Give your Promise Guide a call at FL (407) 984-7246 or MI (313) 527-7945.
Journey On!

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