Last week we focused on placing the Guidance Systems in place for future growth. Hopefully you invested some time to either create your own Purpose and core values for the organization or have made the commitment to get that in place for 2024. If your organization is already living to a Purpose and Core Values, then it is a good time to raise awareness and how it touches every aspect of your future success. Today we move into looking at the Promise Culture Compass that focuses on Discovery or Exploration Systems.
Each and every business and leader needs to pay attention to the environments that exist in their respective business. To do this, leadership must pause and take a deep look at what is working, what is not working and what causes both to take place. In essence they need to explore the good, the bad and the ugly of their operation. By investigating the environment leadership discovers many things about how the unit operates.
Part of the discovery process is to identify the various roadblocks, fears and challenges which are either very prevalent or lots of times are hidden or covered up, so leadership does not even know they are taking place. The challenges which are very apparent become the ones which typically are addressed in a timely way. The question which must be asked, are they being resolved or are they just being dealt with, and the root cause remains alive and well in the organization. For the challenges which are being covered up or disguised, leadership needs to dig deeper to find them and address them at the root cause level as well.
One of the key ingredients to helping uncover fears, roadblock and challenges is to tap into the organization’s unique strengths and skills. You might have heard these referred to on an individual level as people having unique superpowers. Organizations have superpowers as well. When leadership can identify and then leverage the businesses superpowers, they can much more effectively identify roadblocks, fears and challenges because the participants tap into the superpower collectively to overcome such issues. The key here is to take a solid inventory of both roadblocks, fears, and challenges right alongside the unique strengths, skills, and superpowers of the team.
When leadership has a full and enlightened perspective of both the good and the bad, they can then drill down into the challenges and apply existing superpowers to effect root level changes which in the end create a positive growth mindset for the environment to thrive in. All of this takes investment in exploring and discovering the best and the worst aspects of the business. In some cases, it is good to work on some weaknesses. On the other hand, you might want to be more strategic and identify if the weakness is actually holding the business growth back or can the organization grow better by leveraging a strength to build forward?
Discovery and exploration are designed in pause steps to identify and validate the contribution the culture and environment are having on the success of the business. Taking time to identify and then methodically (with the support of the team) eliminate fears, roadblocks and challenges is part of a leader’s role. These elements are going to be present in every organization. Having a system to identify them and resolve them at a root cause level is another part of the recipe for a long-term success business.
As we review our organizations’ culture, pay close attention to the environments which contribute and those which cause challenges. If you need a Promise Guide review, reach out to JKL Associates and let’s have an initial conversation on how a Promise Culture model can breathe life into your success. We can be reached at FL (407) 984-7246 or MI (313) 527-7945
Journey On!