Over the past couple of weeks, the Promise Guide Insight posts have emphasized a few components of JKL Associates Promise Culture model. We investigated the people and relationships; we upped the importance of having a great compass of Core Purpose and Core Values. These items all exist as the center of a culture which not only creates a quality work environment but weaves a strong fabric with the people and outcomes for the business.
Additionally at the center of a Promise Culture is the “Passion” and “Vision” which injects energy into the organization. Aligned with the Core Purpose and Core Values, an authentic Passion and Vision for all the business does raise the fun and results.
Vision is the picture of what success, results and outcomes build for an organization. Passion is the juice to fuel the drive behind the Vision. It is the one, two punch to amplify everything an organization brings to its employees, customers, vendors, and communities in which they exist.
These elements of business are so critical to have everyone on board that they need to be part of every meeting/interaction both internally and externally in the organization. Too many organizations make an initial investment of time, energy, and money to craft these elements. They get nice words on paper and even post them all around the business. Unfortunately, this is where the energy begins to weaken. They are just words and not given the real energy they should have nor are they kindled. If they are wrapped in real passion, then they have a far-reaching influence on the future efforts and success of the business.
This week look at the core elements of your culture. What is your Core Purpose (why your business does what it does – and making money is not an acceptable answer – profit happens because of achieving your Purpose)? Live your Core Values every day and with each decision which takes place. Let your team know what the end result looks like – articulate your visions for the business, for your team, for your clients and your vendors. Then pump it full of gas and energy with the Passion you have and demonstrate for your organization. Your team likes to mirror your success and Passion is a key ingredient in that modeling mirror.
Even though we are in the middle of the calendar year, now is the time for this review. If you have all these components in place – congratulations to you and your organization. Maybe consider having a third party like JKL Associates come in a validate your culture is alive and doing what you want it doing. If you find that your culture could use an updating, then reach out to JKL Associates and let’s get time on our calendars to engage a Promise Guide to walk with you into a new level of future outcomes.
Call JKL Associates for an initial no obligation conversation with a Promise Guide – MI (313) 527-7945 or FL (407) 984-7246
Journey On!