July 23, 2020
ISSN# 1545-2646
Everyone needs a Guide from time to time
About a year ago, a seasoned hiker took a walk into a tropical forested area she was generally familiar with from past excursions. As it was territory she had been in previously and did not anticipate any challenges. She ventured out all alone not letting anyone know where she was going hiking. She wanted some peace and quite so she left her phone in the car and started down the path. A short time later she saw a rock just a few yards off the path. She elected to go climb upon it and take a rest. She had ventured just a short distance from the path to not just take a load off their feet but also to get a great view of the vista. Life was great! After a short time and taking in all the peaceful surroundings she ventured back to connect with the original path she entered into the forest and return to civilization. This is when things got all turned around. Although she was just a short distance from what she thought was the original path of return, it ended up being a different path which lead her in a different direction.
So what does this have to do with you and running your business? EVERYTHING…
As business leaders we are all on some path or journey to arrive at some future destination achieving some results or success. The journey leads us in many directions and we have numerous choices to make along the way. Sometimes the view is very clear like looking across an open field where we can not only see your destination, but we have things like the sun and stars to guide us along a given path. Other times the path is tree covered, dense with challenges that at times seem overwhelming to navigate.
During those times when information is coming at you and you are having to make choices you need a guide with a good compass to help you make the best decisions for yourself, your business, your team, your clients etc. Without an ability to separate all of the noise of information you begin to rely on your past experiences which in some cases might give you bad input.
Going back to our experienced hiker, a few missed steps and she was lost without access to phone or support. This was a real situation which turned out ok. After a three week search of the forest the hiker who was dehydrated (did not take water with her) and in a level of physical challenge was located just a few yards from the path that would have lead her in the direction they were seeking.
This week as you look at your business, be aware that even those who have experience and “have done this before” are not with out the need for getting good solid insights from a business “Promise guide.” The business world is different. Your business is changing. Engaging a guide to help you navigate all the noise might just be the difference in getting results and have great success.
At JKL Associates our “Promise Guide” is ready to assist you in navigating your journey to a successful outcome. Give us a call at (313) 527-7945 in Michigan or (407) 984-7246 in Florida.