Here we are in the second week of 2023 and already people have begun to lose focus. Maybe it is the leftover haze from time off during the holiday season. Maybe it is the lack of purpose and direction for their role or personal being. Maybe it is that no one has taken the time to help them get initially focused so they are drifting along hoping all will some how or some way figure itself out. In any of these situations it is not a productive approach to a good outcome.
As leaders, one of the key items on our responsibility list is to be an enabler of outcomes. Not be the doer of the outcome but be an enabler to assist others in their contribution part to the end results. As an example, years ago I was fortunate to have my father-in-law who was a Master Sniper Trainer in the Marine Corp teach me how to sight in a rifle. There was the technical part of making adjustments to the equipment but far more importantly was learning how to focus.
It seems pretty straight forward to look at something and get it in your sights. There was far more to it than just picking the item to focus on. It was also about blocking out all the numerous things that surround the focal point, so they were not distracting from your focus.
When we narrow in on various things in our businesses, we can sometimes use too wide of a focus. Again, when looking down the barrel of a rifle, if there is no scope on it, you use the metal sights to align the trajectory of the projectile toward its final destination. This requires intense focus because all the surrounding elements are still in your peripheral vision. If you have the ability to have a scope on the barrel, then this narrows down the field of view to a selected section down field. The scope does require you to adjust the lens so the object in the scope is clear and defined. If we take this approach in business, we need to align our end result with the path we are taking to get there. As we narrow the field of view not only for ourselves as leaders but for the entire team, we begin to use a defined set of focal points or metrics to bring our target into crystal clear focus.
As the leader of the business, it is incumbent upon you to make sure everyone knows the target and then gets focused on that end result. Much like my father-in-law teaching me the fine art of sighting in a rifle with either metal sights or a scope, it was a skill that I originally thought was fairly easy to understand and execute. Well, I was a bit out of focus on that topic. Sure, I understood the general principle but in the end being off just a small amount at the focus point at my end of the action simply caused missing the target as the final outcome.
This week as you narrow in on the key focal points for 2023, don’t just think your team knows how to focus in on the end target. Have a conversation, show them, demonstrate to them, and help them take basic steps in understanding and refine it into a true leadership skill.
Is your business laser focused on the end results and are all of your team members focused on the correct targets? JKL Associates and our Promise Guide approach is here to help you bring your best end results in 2023. Reach out to us at FL (407) 984-7246 or MI (313) 5427-7945.
Journey On!