This coming Monday is a celebration of all the various talents of our country and the working people who have contributed to its past, current, and future success. Our people are the backbone of this nation and on this day, we take time to recognize that each of us has a critical role in adding value to our communities, and our nation as a whole.
Some may look at this day as simply another day off work. Others may use this day to prepare their summer homes for the forthcoming fall and winter seasons. Still others will join with family to have gatherings where food, drink and conversation will fill the time.
Whatever may fill your day, take some time to recognize that this nation has so many freedoms that we unfortunately take many of them for granted. This simple day of recognizing “Labor” and the freedom we have to choose what labor we participate in should not be overlooked. Others around the globe do not have such a privilege. Some will wake up in labor camps; others will still be bound to any number of activities we would never subject our worst enemies to.
This day we need to acknowledge that although we have differences, they pale in comparison to others around the world. Take this day to be thankful for the talents you have and use to be a contributor to your immediate community and our nation.
May your Labor Day be filled with both a time of celebration and time of reflection for the talents you have to share.
Journey On!