This coming Monday is a national holiday when we pause and remember those who have gave all for the freedoms we enjoy and sometimes confuse. Memorial Day is a day of respecting the Men, Women and even Children who made significant sacrifices, so we have a free nation – Under God and Indivisible.
Our society currently likes to add confusion and distort history for any number of reasons. This choice is granted to them by those who lost their lives protecting such freedoms and as such we remember them on this and every Memorial Day.
It is easy to point fingers and lay blame for the challenges we face as members of our society, but it resolves nothing. Those who we remember on this Memorial Day elected to take personal action to protect our freedoms. These are the Heroes of this nation not the professional athletes, nor elected politicians or any other individuals placed on a pedestal for which they have never faced what these Memorial Day heroes faced.
On Memorial Day take time to give thanks for these people who took selfless action to protect, serve and provide for the freedoms we have today.
Journey On!