For over 30 years JKL Associates has been privileged to have worked with many leaders, business people and individuals seeking to be better than the place they were at the time of beginning to engage a Promise Guide. Some knew exactly what they wanted, and others just were not sure how a Promise Guide could or would help them. The spectrum and variety of needs have been extensive. There is definitely not one size fits or works for all.
Through the years our clients have gone through any number of challenges in both their business and their personal lives. Everything from most recently the dynamics of a pandemic to financial crises. They have dealt with talent shortages to times when all you had to do is say you were in business and success oddly found its way to your door.
As we reflect on our past and current clients, we try to identify some things which are keys to the improvement efforts, and which ultimately had an identifiable contribution to their success. Many things are definitely in play with what contributed to each client’s unique success. One thing kept coming up that is worth sharing. The importance of confidence. Confidence by the leader, confidence by all the staff, confidence of customers and the clients and confidence in vendors and suppliers. Not just confidence but truly authentic confidence that whatever the endeavor was that the company and staff could and would step up to the challenge and have the best outcome.
To have this level of confidence leadership must allow for it to grow even when the risk is high, and failure might also be greater than the result. Leadership has a significant responsibility to build confidence in everyone associated with the business. Confidence is built one step at a time. It starts with leadership having confidence and showing that confidence in the team. Leadership hired the team and if there was a concern about the team members ability to contribute then right at that moment there was a lack of confidence and alternate choices should have been considered. By building confidence directly into the team when being assembled, the next step is to affirm confidence when the contribution is done.
A culture of confidence building wrapped inside of the organizations Purpose and Core Values allows for individual confidence to mature and thus the businesses confidence get better. The framework provided in the culture supports taking calculated risk and deals with outcomes which fall short of expectations without negative repercussions on either individual’s confidence or that of the business.
As you launch 2024 in your business with goals and objectives that typically are more tangible in nature (i.e., gross revenues, quotas, inventory turns, turnover etc.) don’t forget about the intangible growth of your team members and the organization as it relates to such things as building a confidence culture. The means of measurement are a bit trickier but with a little focus you can identify key contributing factors which can assist in verifying your growth in confidence both individually and collectively.
Looking to expand your organization’s confidence in 2024? Reach out to JKL Associates at (407) 984-7246 in Florida or (313) 527-7945 in Michigan to have a conversation with a Promise Guide to discuss your particular objectives in 2024.
Journey On!