April 19, 2018
ISSN# 1545-2646
Picking your best lens
Business leaders are like photographers. They see what the target is and need to focus on that objective. Each objective potentially requires different actions or tools to achieve the desired outcome.
A photographer composes the picture not only through the lens of the camera but in their mind. As the view in their mind takes shape, they begin to select the proper lens by which to achieve the effect desired. Armed with the various lens of different focal lengths, they begin to choose additional setting to bring other elements into use such as aperture speed, light etc. During this time, they are adjusting their lens to keep the end target in focus.
Business leaders do the same thing. They craft in their mind the vision for their business, product or service. They paint the details in their mind first and then bring that picture to life in their business. They have various tools they use such as their employees, technology, input from their trusted advisor council etc. As they bring their vision to life, they are constantly making adjustments as new information is discovered. These adjustments are just like the photographer taking into account the natural light ducking in and out of the clouds in an outdoor scene.
The key piece to both of their efforts is that they need to keep the end result in focus. To do this they need priorities.
From the photographer’s perspective, all the elements of color, light, amount of image, the potential need to edit or crop the negative all play a part in their setting priorities to capturing the best image. How much light but not too much? Is color or black and white a better result for capturing the essence of the image? Which of the multitude of options are the top priorities to achieve the end outcome – the desired result?
As the business owner, you too must have priorities. Throughout each day, there is a multitude of distractions which come your way. Who do you assign to the new project? What is the budget remaining on the project? Is the delivery date going to be met? The list can become very long, very quickly if you are not setting priorities and focusing on the most important each day.
This week take a look at your priority setting process and how you maintain a focus on those priorities. Don’t fall into the trap of doing certain low priority items because they are simple and quick to get accomplished leaving the more dynamic ones which may have higher priority for a later date. Yes, you may feel like you are accomplishing “work” but unfortunately you are not directly keeping a focus on the end result. The picture gets fuzzy when your focus drifts to activity rather than focused specific actions.
Too many distractions and not enough focus/priority management? We have a solution for you. Call JKL Associates at (313) 527-7945 to your end result back into proper focus.
Questions or comments – email us at partners@jklassociates.com or call our Office at (313) 527-7945
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