It is not “What” you know but “Who” you know that can have the greatest influence on your success!
Small businesses combined is the largest employer in the United States. Bigger than all the largest corporations added together. As small business leaders we are likely aware of this, but we can sometimes take it for granted. The circles of influence we create are of similar circles of influence. Similar in type of industry or size or any number of elements which cause similarities to exist. As a result, our view of our business is either growing, shrinking, or just maintaining, which in most cases is just another description of slowly shrinking.
This is where the power of your relationship network comes into play. As a leader you need to always be seeking to level up – Level up yourself, level up your organization’s leadership talent, level up your team’s talent, level up your profitability etc. To be looking to level up your relationship network must also level up. If you commiserate with organizations which are under lots of challenges, then you begin to absorb their challenges. If you are looking to expand or grow your business, then your relationship network MUST include organizations which are larger and, on the march, you want to be on.
JKL Associates is privileged to work with a variety of business leaders in a variety of industries. As we engage with the leaders of their respective businesses, we always encourage them to seek additional resources in the growth and development of their businesses. Especially in associating with entities which are larger and have already experienced the dynamics on the path of growth my clients are pursuing.
One example from a few years back, our client was considering expanding their organization through acquiring another business. Although the business was originally purchased from a prior owner, the business owner had never acquired an additional business and integrated it into his existing organization. Additionally, and from a strategic point of view this acquisition was going to be a model to purchase multiple business in an industry which was experiencing consolidation making purchasing of additional assets a channel for growth vs trying to do it just organically.
In addition to the JKL Associates Promise Guide engagement, the leader also, with encouragement, expanded their relationship network to include a group of other business owners which were strategically growing their business via the same acquisition approach. This investment of time and energy into the relationship network creation provided leaders access to the Who in the business world they need to be interacting with to build their future success.
As owners of businesses, the largest challenge many of us have is recognizing we don’t have all the answers and need to engage a business guide to ask the tough questions and help get us pointed in the right direction to expand our point of view. If as leaders, we do not engage others to assist in our growth then we only hold ourselves and our organization back for its potential success.
A quality guide relationship is one where all parties understand the end objectives and nurture the best infusion of talent to make it happen. Even when the talent may not be inside the organization or directly available from the current support systems or people.
This week take an objective look at your vision and purpose for yourself and your organization. Could you benefit from engaging a Promise Guide to jump start your efforts and accelerate your future outcomes?
For over 30+ years JKL Associates has been assisting businesspeople who started out buying or building a business and turning them into not just business owners but asset managers. Building up their business acumen and asset portfolio. Interested in leveling up your assets? Call JKL Associates and speak to a Promise Guide – FL (407) 984-7246 or MI (313) 527-7945.
Journey On!
Celebrating 30 years of Delivering on “Promises”