The college fall football season is upon us. The teams have been preparing for months. Not just the football players but also the marching bands, pep bands, cheer squads, the campus audio/visuals teams and more. It is a bunch of teams which make the fall football season so pumped up with energy.
We as business leaders should stop and take some queues from these teams. As we enter the fall of the calendar year, we also need to have our teams well prepared for the coming seasons. We can’t start preparing the day after Labor Day, the first of January, or any other magical date on the calendar. Like these teams it is a full year of recurring preparation leading up to a season of direct and intense application of those skills and talents developed in preparation.
To excite the crowd, the pep bands and marching bands play their repertoire of songs they have been practicing day in and day out. The cheer squads perform various cheers and numerous routines to engage the crowd into the school spirit. All of these efforts are the results of tiring practice, practice, practice.
The end result is team precision. The halftime show takes the stage as multiple band members move onto the field to find their specific starting point for the show. As they play their instruments, they move in fluid motions to form various shapes and patterns. Each person precisely in a given location at a specific point in the music. From the stands or even the blimp the motion and sound radiated perfection. This level of perfection only comes as a result of commitment, hard work and yes, some good luck so no one trips, slips, or falls. When that happens, they get right up, catch up to their proper location and play on.
This week as you review the progress your business is making, pause and assess your investment in your team and the development of them as individuals and collectively as a team. When was the last time you stopped and engaged your people for training and development purposes? When was the last time you had a conversation with some of the team to see how their progress was coming along? When was the last time you asked them what they need right now to have a better opportunity at perfection? When was the last time you stepped back and looked at how well they are performing and acknowledged them for all their efforts?
Unless your business is completely run by robots without any human interaction, then you need to start interacting with those members of your team in a tangible way. We all seek a level of perfection in what ever we are doing. As a leader, it is up to you to make sure they have all the tools and training they need to excel. You cannot expect perfection if you are not right there enabling it with them.
Seeking a model to embrace your teams productively? Give JKL Associates a call – FL (407) 984-7246 or MI (313) 527-7945. We are here to guide you to a greater level of perfection.