In this time and age our workforce exists in many different arrangements. Some roles can be completely remote even to the extent in another part of the city, state, country or even continent. Some can be very flexible in that some of the time the person is in the office and other times working from home or other physical locations away from the organization. Yet some roles require in office or should I say work location existence each and every day. All of the various models introduce different leadership opportunities and challenges.
The flexibility that has been enabled and partly promoted by advancement in technology is stuff we more senior people dreamt about in the early stages of personal computing. I recall my employer entrusting me with one of the early/first luggable personal computers providing me with portability as I flew around the country on airplanes and living in hotels. It was real freedom, and this was even before the internet had become a real thing.
When the tech company began to deploy these pretty cool toys, compared with real mobile power of say a smart phone, we all had to agree to various terms of use, maintenace, access etc. We were not free to hold or maintain company proprietary documents on the device. Nor allowed to place personal documents on the devices let alone use them for personal benefit. Copying and sharing of files especially software was strictly forbidden with employment termination at stake. We have come a long way since those early pioneering days. Oddly enough, some organizations are still operating like it is still the wild west. Not in terms of using technology but in terms of protecting their intellectual assets. We are no longer islands (stand-a-lone pc’s) of information. Everything is linked and available.
This brings me back to your present day use and deployment of not only technology in a diverse workforce engagement model but the overarching standards/model you have for protecting your business assets. We hear a lot about cyber security and potentially basement or foreign county hackers getting into your business network and stealing from you. This is absolutely real, and you best not be ignoring it. In fact, it is no longer just part time hackers but real big business. The point of focus is that in smaller businesses you are potentially more likely to be stolen from by your remote worker than the hacker. If you run your business with a casual set of protocols, both technologically and policy wise then you are ripe for the picking.
There are big time costs associated with identifying, stopping and taking corrective action to repair damages to your business asset should an employee walk off with your proprietary or confidential assets. Things such as client, vendor, and employee data are at risk. In today’s world an employee can have those off property in seconds and on to a third party in the same time. Yes, you can legally pursue them but again at what cost. The distractions itself is completely non-revenue producing and your attention is pushed away from more important strategic objectives.
The whole point of this focus this week is for you to consider what holes or gaps might exist in your policies, technology and even your direct communication with team members which leave your business asset vulnerable. Take time to review your policies and make sure they are being upheld and enforced by all leaders. Look into your technology and ensure you have proper protection against both outside and internal threats. Finally talk with your team members. Use your Purpose, Core Values and Operating Principles to have a collective understanding of building and protecting the business assets.
Curious about where you might have gaps? Give JKL Associates a call and let’s open up a conversation on assisting you in building and protecting your assets. – Call us in Michigan (313) 527-7945 or Florida (407) 984-7246.
Journey On!
Celebrating 30 years of Delivering on “Promises”