June 4, 2020
ISSN# 1545-2646
Reopening Manned Space Flight
It is quite appropriate that during this time of reopening the economy post pandemic that NASA and SpaceX have reopened manned space flight from here in the USA. The launch rolled out kind of like reopening the economy. Lots of safety checks. Lots of expectations on the results of the mission. It too even had to be delayed and rescheduled due to conditions not being favorable for the launch. Both the business world and the general community can learn from this event on how we need to approach the future post pandemic.
The first take a way is that of being safe. The deliberateness of the preparation and the launch so that the human cargo was top of mind should resonate with all of us as we emerge back out into the marketplace. If we all do our own individual part to respect each other’s space – no pun intended, being aware of physical distancing and face covering then we can all have a successful launch of the economy. If on the other hand we become self centered and do not respect the virus and its potential then we could have a failure to protect our health. It is a balance between the known risks and taking proper precautions and simply ignoring the knowledge and proceeding with our care.
The second take a way is that of rethinking, reimagining and reworking this world of space travel. Previously the world of space travel existed in a closed governmental system. This new rethought space travel world is now a joint commercial effort which applies new creativity to solve very complex challenges. As we move forward from the COVID-19 pandemic, we do not have to look at this time as negative. Sure it has been challenging with both loss of life and many businesses have been impacted. If we use this knowledge and understanding to rethink our own businesses to align with future trends and demands then we too can have a success relaunch into the marketplace.
The third take a way is that of a commitment to upgrading ourselves and the environments we build our businesses and talent from. The ingenuity, creativity, engineering capability demonstrated in this mission have again upped the commitment to the fundamentals of core education – math, science etc. As a nation, we cannot underestimate the importance and need for us to keep our knowledge base top shelf. Not just for space exploration but for many life aspects. The efforts to find cures for the COVID-19 virus is just another example of the need to focus in on the sciences.
There are many more things to glean from this historical event, but for now let’s just keep to what we can do with this momentum to relaunch our businesses and our economy.
This week, if you have not spent some of the most recent weeks rethinking, reimaging and reworking your business for the future it is not too late to get right on this opportunity. The world has changed. The marketplace has changed. Your business has changed, Your people and customers have changed. This happens all the time, but we tend not to have the pause to see the changes as clearly as we are seeing them now. Look at the means by which you must now operate with respect to employee management, physical distancing, customer transactions etc.. Don’t just put in place what needs to be done, but look at this as the opportunity to reshape how it can improve what is being done.
Still trying to sort out how to move from reaction to reimagining? Engage a Promise Guide by calling JKL Associates at (313) 527-7945 in Michigan or (407) 984-7246 in Florida.