Profit Building Cycles

We have reached the middle of July 2024, and summertime is well in motion. The days are longer and hotter, and the evenings give us the opportunity to relax around the picnic table or barbeque. All of these are great things to distract us from the grind of the workday. During this same time,

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Sales Building Culture

The adage that nothing happens until the sale occurs is as accurate today as it has ever been. If the success of a business or a professional career is so directly dependent on the transfer of goods and services for revenue, then it only makes sense that a business culture must have a foundation in sales culture. Sales is not a bad word and needs to be part of all team members’ understanding.

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When an organization embraces culture as the foundation of its business practices, it sets the stage for hiring individuals who best align with the culture offered. This allows for transparency of purpose and core values, enabling talent to flourish rather than exist and put in time in an organization.

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Having grown up during the evolution of digital technology, I was fortunate to see the gradual shift in the way people interacted with technology and the devices to which they were given access. Today, device technology is so abundant that younger generations take this access much like we all wake up in the morning to sunlight. It has always been here, so why would it not be here tomorrow?

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The marketplace is filled with any number of product and service providers, all touting their brands to win consumers’ dollars. Does the brand represent its culture in the marketplace, or does it simply promote what it wants the marketplace to think about it?  The next time you want to buy a product or service, look at not just the image branding but what the organization really stands for in the marketplace.

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4th of July, 2024 

Tomorrow, we commemorate the United States Declaration of Independence, a pivotal historical moment requiring immense courage, faith, and perseverance. Our forefathers, at that time, had a strong sense of their actions’ significance, yet they might not have fully grasped the profound impact it would have on them, their families, and their colleagues. Over 200+ years later, the United States continues to shape the global stage, a testament to the enduring influence of this historical event on business culture and beyond.

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With the 4th of July holiday a couple of days away, the word Freedom echoes around the country. It is a very important time to take a strong look at what freedom is and what it is not. Freedom is not the ability to have each, and every person do whatever they want whenever they want to do it. Freedom comes with responsibilities and discipline. It requires that individuals respect one another for the opportunity to pursue happiness. Freedom is not free of accountability. Freedom should not be based on one person or group of people’s selective views. It needs to stand the test of time and be ready to be tested and evolve when appropriate, but not based on subcultural desires. Our current freedoms cannot be taken for granted as they can and will be taken away if “We the People” are not careful with how we use our freedoms.

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Constructive Conflict

Take 30 seconds and look at news media. Yes, we realize that you just wasted 30 seconds, but you needed to be again exposed to the conflict in our world today.  Conflict exists on many fronts: global, political, within the teams, and at home. The conflict that makes the news tends to be negative or destructive conflict. Not all conflict is destructive. There is the idiom of the Phoenix rising from the ashes.

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We live in a time when alternate views abound. Everyone has a perspective on everything. The diversity of thought is excellent, but the absence of respecting each other’s views closes the door to true significant social improvement. It is not easy to pause and consider alternative views when we are so rushed by wanting our views to be heard and accepted as the new standard. All this creates more isolation and the collapse of creative and innovative ways to have a robust society.

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