The last 24 months have taken their toll on everyone. As business leaders we have had to make various adjustments to our businesses, clients, employees, vendors and all the other regulatory factors which have impacted the day-to-day operations of the business. During this same time, I have witnessed the levels of stress go up multiple levels on these business owners. As they were and, in some cases, still are in save the ship mode, they have disregarded their own personal health for the sake of the business’s health.
Now this is not something new for small business owners to skip or disregard their health as they grow and develop their business – their big dream. The difference is that over the past 24 -plus months the magnitude of demand has escalated and stayed at a very high level. In the past there would be rises and falls of this stress line but over the past months it has constantly been higher than past years.
This is impacting many leaders’ leadership capabilities. The mental health which would be available to help analyze situations and bring a level of rational wisdom has been slowly fading. It is time to take back not only the health of our businesses but more importantly our own mental, emotional, physical, and spiritual health.
I recently had a conversation with a business leader whom I respect for his growth, success, tenacity and commitment to his purpose and core values. His business, like others has been impacted by shortages – employee, products etc. Each time there has been a painful but successful engagement to correct the challenge and move forward. In a more personal conversation, I had to engage him to take the time to get his annual physical scheduled.
I’m by no means a health expert but I can see through the veil which most business owners like to put up and disguise their personal challenges from their staff and team members. These veils go up to keep the team on some level of balance. It is this outward attempt to see stability from the top. I’m not saying this is wrong. What concerns me about a whole bunch of business owners is they are working so hard for the health of their business they don’t see the toll it is taking on them and their family. At the end of the day if you win the battle by saving the business but lose the war to a personal health crisis then no one wins.
This week, you owe it to yourself to pick up the phone and make sure your annual physical is on the calendar. You owe it to your family to make sure you will be with them to share in the fruits of your investment of labor, time, money etc. You owe it to your team to keep yourself healthy, so the health of the business extends and allows them future and continued employment. You owe it to the community you serve to be able to provide the goods and services they have become depend on for your business to provide. There are a lot of people depending on your physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual strength moving forward in 2022 so take the time today and invest into yourself.
Although we at JKL Associates can’t schedule your annual physical for your body, we would be happy to have a conversation with you about the health of your business. Give us a call in Florida at (407) 984-7246 or in Michigan at (313) 527-7945.
Journey On!

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