May 9, 2019
ISSN# 1545-2646
Taking some advice from “Good Ole Mom”
This weekend is Mother’s Day around the country. Some might label this as a “Hallmark” holiday, and they might be right. Mother’s Day does get its fair share of promotion to generate retail sales and gets Mom out of the kitchen, so restaurants see an uptick in business that day.
From my perspective Mothers are part of the foundation of strong businesses. Dads have their contribution as well, but we celebrate them in June.
So how did your Mother contribute to your success? Maybe you have not given this much consideration. In a society when it is all about “me” this might get lost. Here are a few things to consider as you look back on how having your Mother in your developmental years gave you some of your skills to be a leader in business.
Just maybe:
Your Mom gave you some initial training on dealing with conflict management when you and your siblings started fights of meaningless trivial things. You likely never have these issues in your business.
Your Mom gave you a good scolding when you underperformed at your chores or something else you felt was not important. That never happens in your business.
Your Mom was the first person to pick you back up when you crashed on your bike or fell out of a tree so you could learn that falling was part of life and you just need to get up and get on with life. Bruises, scraps and even broken bones will heal. Moping around feeling bad for yourself accomplishes nothing. She likely said something like get out there and play and stop feeling sorry for yourself. How did those lessons help you move up in business?
This weekend as you remember “Good Ole Mom” just recall that some of those early lessons which you discounted at the time set the stage for who you are and your success in business. Take a few minutes and thank your Mom for being as good of a leader model as she was so you can now be the best leader you can be.
Wondering if your leaders on your team are leveraging all those lessons from their childhood? Give JKL Associates a call and let’s discuss how you can find out.
Questions or comments – email us at or call our Offices – MI at (313) 527-7945 FL at (407) 984-7246
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