Guessing about “Talent” Potential

May 16, 2019

ISSN# 1545-2646

Guessing about “Talent” Potential

The phrase of “I wish I had a penny for every time some one….” is directly applicable to the guessing game leaders get themselves into when they believe they have such perfect instincts about candidates they fail to use a process to sort out the best from the not so good talent.

I’m the person wishing I had the penny every time the leader makes a comment about this or that employee or hire which is either disappointing or they quit. In the extremely competitive talent market we are in, each and every hire needs to be well placed into your company. You can’t just hire and hope they work out.  You can’t make the excuse that a pair of hands is better than no hands etc.

The talent hiring decisions are critical to your business culture. If you take the additions to your team too lightly and bring in the wrong mix of people you poison your existing team and they leave which puts you back into hire mode. Every time you do this you take pennies, nickels, dimes, quarters, and dollars – many of them, and simply toss them into the air. Losing their value in the process.  This cycle repeats and repeats and repeats.  Your “Brand” begins to get a reputation in the marketplace for always hiring which leads people to believe something is wrong on the inside so they skip over your opportunity to the next. Your reputation for attracting talent is no less important than your reputation for attracting customers.  In most cases you can’t attract quality customers unless you have quality employees.

This week take a look at what is your process for the intake of potential new candidates for employment.  Do you have a system?  What is the system looking to identify in candidates? What roles are you hiring for and what expectations do you have for those roles? At what stage of the process do you use various tools and/or techniques to gain a fuller understanding of candidates’ capabilities? The list of understanding your process model can go further into details, but if you first don’t have a system you need to get one in place.  If you have one then are you actually following it each and every time?  If not, why?

Confused about the best ways to put a candidate intake process into place in your organization so it produces better results? Give JKL Associates a call today and let’s get that process started.

Questions or comments – email us at or call our Offices – MI at (313) 527-7945 FL at (407) 984-7246
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