When we hear the word technology, we tend to immediately think of computers. Maybe we include a wider array of products such as the internet and smartphones. All of these things tend to revolve around a device or service which brings data or sends data between two points into the world at large. Although this model is not incorrect it is more limiting that it should be.
From the American Heritage Dictionary
- The application of science, especially to industrial or commercial objectives
- The scientific method and material used to achieve a commercial or industrial objective
- Electronic or digital products and systems considered as a group
As leaders we need to be open to expanding our thought patterns to identify ways to bring technology to the best possible use for growth and sustainability in our organizations.
The term “Best Practices” might come to mind when we start to peel back the layers of technology which exist in our businesses. If we pause for a moment and look into the daily operations of our business, we will see a plethora of technologies at work. From the simple to the complex, our organization needs technologies in order to exist. Oddly enough, we sometimes take these technologies for granted. We believe that what we have is sufficient to achieve our current objectives, but we might just be short sighted. As leaders we need to be thinking strategically into the future. Being visionaries, which not just think about the current day technologies and how they can best contribute to our company goals and objectives, but we need to leap forward and begin to think about what will be needed to support the demands of our future customers and clients – even before they know what they will be needing.
This cycle of pausing to look beyond what is and into the future of what might be needs to be part of your annual assessment efforts. When a leadership group gathers to look at company performance, some time should be on the agenda to allow for future brainstorming of industry, client, and competition just to name a few. What tends to happen is the focus leads to over evaluation of what happened and what can be learned. This is an important part of the review but needs boundaries to keep it focused and productive. In this same effort some focus needs to be not just on the next cycle of time and what is to be done to recover or expand on results, but we need to cultivate thinking on creativity and innovation as part of our leadership efforts. If we drift away from this development effort, then as leaders we get caught in the down draft of today and potentially give way to the future needs of the business.
Although it is early July, we need to start thinking about planning for 2023. In the fall is a great time to plan the direction of the organization for the coming business cycle. Teams are hopefully refreshed from the summer vacation cycle and are focused on the contributions to be made for the remainder of the year. At this same time, it is an ideal time to tap into the creative juices of the leadership team to vision the future outcomes and products and services needed to grow and sustain the business into the future.
This whole process of evaluation is a technology. A method to achieve a greater outcome in an industry or commercial application. I suspect you never thought about your strategy and planning efforts as technology. If you give your processes and workflow the same level of attention as you might give your new computer or software application, you might just find some real value in those technologies.
Looking to have a leadership engagement process to take your organization to the next level? Give JKL Associates as call at FL (407) 984-7246 or MI (313) 527-7945 to have an initial conversation and book some time with a Promise Guide who can lead you through your most productive planning session your company has ever experienced.
Journey On!
Celebrating 30 years of Delivering on “Promises”