You may have heard of the book – The Richest Man in Babylon. The book was written in 1926 by George S. Clason and uses parables from 4000 years ago to provide insights into financial matters. The wisdom comes not from the book but from the application of the principles to our daily lives, both our individual lives as well as our business affairs.
It is said that wisdom is the right (proper, correct, and authentic) application of knowledge resulting in an integrated and fruitful outcome. It sounds so simple in the written text, but in practical daily application we can sometimes lose sight of the wisdom. We simply transact based on instinct which is not founded in wisdom.
As we move through the final months of 2021, there is much we have learned over the past 18-24 months which has reshaped our world, businesses, and personal lives. In early 2020 we all had to pivot from what we then considered to be the norm to something out of the norm. These changes invoked new knowledge and learning. It gave all of us an opportunity to consider different ways of conducting not just business but at its core – all of our relationships.
The critical question moving forward into 2022 is – what wisdom will we embrace from this new and additional knowledge we uncovered during the past year?
As I have referenced in prior communications, when the pandemic was in its early stages, there was a tremendous loss of human life and the failing of businesses. These losses are tragic under any circumstances. The pandemic brought to the surface many blemishes or hidden issues (Existing Conditions) which in the end significantly contributed to the demise of not just human life but also the closing of many businesses. Although there were many heroic efforts for medical support and stimulus money for businesses, in the end those with large pre-existing conditions succumbed to the impact of the pandemic.
So, as you look back to plan for the future, what will you take as lessons learned and apply the right (proper, correct, and authentic) use of this information moving forward? In the book The Richest Man in Babylon there are many learning lessons to be embraced, aligned, and acted upon to get your personal and business worlds pointed in the best direction to weather any future disruption.
This week, ask yourself if you have gone back to business as usual? Many people are wanting to get back to normal. The world is not sure what normal was or will be, but it is up to you to define the future. Not some glimpse of the past which at that instant in time was good. It is time for you to take the knowledge learned and convert it into wisdom for your future greatness. Look not at the past history as a means to identify just what you did right or wrong but look at the history as a means to bring wisdom to the surface, so your future direction is as optimal as possible.
Looking to bring wisdom into your planning process? Give JKL Associates a call at (407) 984-7246 in Florida or (313) 527-7945 in Michigan.
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