It is that time of year when we exercise our freedom to vote. If you have already cast your vote via early voting or absentee ballot, thank yourself for having done your civic duty. We live in a representative republic democracy where “We the People” actually are the government and elect those to represent us as a collective and support our republic. This model crafted by the founders of this nation was designed so that no one person or group of people could mandate something by the majority rule. Pretty insightful by our forefathers.
If, like many of us, you will cast your votes on election day, it is essential that you use your critical thinking skills and vote from a well-formed moral conscience. This might be a statement that annoys you or causes you to flinch, as you presuppose you do this already. We are sometimes influenced in ways we may not even want to admit to ourselves.
A tale from our past may give you some insights to consider – The Empoeror’s New Clothes. This tale speaks of the Emporer, who is influenced by a couple of clothes weavers to believe that they can make him an outfit that helps him distinguish between a level of competency and who is fit for a job and who is not. Those incapable will not see the clothes, but the smartest and best will see the clothes. After swindling the Emperor of his riches, they dress him and send him out into the streets to parade around.
To protect themselves, the people don’t say anything to the Emporer about the fact that he is not wearing anything and is parading around naked in the streets. They don’t want to expose themselves as being stupid or unknowing. This all changes when a young lad breaks the silence and tells the truth that the Emperor is not wearing any clothes.
As business leaders and members of our communities and society, we MUST take our freedom of voting very seriously. The influencers of today’s various media sources should be clear to us. Regardless of which side of the aisle you may lean in toward, which party you believe has the best policies, or which person may or may not be to your liking, in the end, it is about whether the information you are basing your decision upon are actual truths and not just being used by external influences.
How well would your organization operate if you ran your business based on your team’s influences?
We shape our organizations around purpose, values, principles, and standards so everyone can fully engage and utilize their skills at the highest level. Our society needs to hold ourselves accountable for these same standards and practices. As “We the People” are the government and we elect representatives to be our governing body, we need to hold those representatives to the same high standards our forefathers intended this nation to be governed under.
Please plan on casting your well-formed, morally conscious vote during this election.
“I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the United States of America,
and to the Republic for which it stands,
one Nation under God, indivisible,
with liberty and justice for all.”
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