It is not “What” you know but “Who” you know that can have the greatest influence on your success!
Month: November 2023
One key element of humanity is that we are a communal society – we seek to have and be connected with others. Our history validates that when we work and play together for a common good so much more bounty is available for everyone. When we form small groups of extreme perspectives not only is the bounty for everyone reduced but even the small group does not ultimately benefit from their actions or direction.
On behalf of JKL Associates may you, your family, your staff, and all business and personal relationships have a safe and blessed Thanksgiving.
This Thursday we celebrate the United States “Thanksgiving.” Traditionally a time to gather with family and friends to give and be thankful for the bounty of harvest but more importantly the freedoms we have here in our country. It can sometimes be challenging to hear of the various views of topics which are bantered around the dining room table, but we must remember to be thankful that we live here in the US where we can still speak of these differences.
As business owners’ part of our planning for the future is typically setting targets/goals for the business to pursue in the coming year. One of those goals is typically a financial objective. Dollars to realize as a result of sales and marketing efforts. When setting these targets, a variety of things are taken into consideration such as past performance, competition, economy, product offering etc. Once these metrics have been…
In the mid 1950’s the automotive seatbelt or safety belt came onto the scene. Although originally not well accepted by motorists when it was a plus cost option, the seatbelt became pretty much standard in vehicles by the 1960’s. Today is National seatbelt safety day and as such do your loved ones a favor and buckle up.
There tends to be much confusion in business when various roles are defined as being “Manager” or “Leader” or some other terms which attempts to define the role/responsibilities of the position. Some of the titles are the result of years of passing them down from prior people in the roles to current people. In some cases, the titles are…
On this day where we Americans are given the opportunity to vote, we cannot and should not take this privilege lightly. Our republic grants U.S. citizens the right to elect our governance. It is imperative that each of us commit to understanding the ramification of our actions when voting. Each and every vote counts.
Our model of Promise Culture is a framework to assist organizations and individuals to align what is best to contribute to their best outcome. In being a framework, it allows by design to incorporate your specific elements which give you your greatest chance at success.
Is it too late to fix the environment when people start leaving?Read More »