Happy Birthday America!

July 3, 2018

ISSN# 1545-2646

Happy Birthday America!

Tomorrow is a national holiday which as “American’s” we need to stop and take note of the freedoms that we have in the USA.

No, it is not perfect but the USA is a beacon of hope for everyone who genuinely understands and appreciates the freedoms we too often take for granted.

As business leaders, we are provided great opportunity to venture out and build a business for growth, employment, social matters etc. This is not true in all places around the globe.  Our capitalist system along with our constitution provides our “Republic” unique access to letting us chase our dreams.

As you wake tomorrow and go forth (no pun intended) take time to give acknowledgment to our forefathers and the insights they had to design and execute a set of standards and rights that after 200+ years still are the envy of the world.

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