As we return to the daily grind of work, school or other distractions, may we not quickly forget what Memorial Day is all about. It is not just another day off work or out of school. It is a tribute to those men, women, children of all races and creeds which gave all so that our country have freedoms the majority of the rest of the world only dream about. May we never forget – may we always remember.

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There has been a tendency to want to re-write history to affect a new way of viewing the events of the past. We do need to make sure history reflects what actually took place, but we must guard against trying to dismiss memories simply because we wanted a different outcome. History is a most valuable teacher. Re-writing the story does not change the outcome, only blurs the view of it.

Dismissing memories does not erase themRead More »

Much has been spoken about and written about IQ and EQ, but we cannot dismiss the importance of SQ. Regardless of whether you consider yourself to be a spiritual person or not, our world is in deep need of placing Spiritual Intelligence back in the forefront of each decision we make. We may have great intellect and be aware of both our and others’ emotions but without spiritual guidance being the rudder to guide our life, we ultimately miss out on the profound beauty and peace of our world.

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Defining Success

Our world is obsessed with results. Results of various kinds from financial to educational to any number of things that individuals deem important. What is odd is that so many people are still unfulfilled. They seek the pot of gold at the end of some undefined rainbow only to find the pot empty or not what they expected. So, before you start out on that journey looking for that best outcome, take the time to define what it really is and what you are willing to give up to get it.

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For a few seconds, put down your smartphone, turn away from your computer and close your eyes and invite a moment of silence into your life. Block out the visual, and noise of the day and just let your mind be refreshed like a spring shower on blossoming flowers. So much can be learned in the room of silence. Visit it often to restore your best wellbeing.

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Moments of truth

Isn’t it interesting how at the point of death our minds recall such moments in our lives of things we might regret. Not spending time with loved ones, being a workaholic, treating others poorly etc. Take time now while you have today to take corrective action so your list of regrets might not be the focus of your final moments and you can smile at all the beautiful things you did while on this earthly planet.

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Pivot to serving

When a society slides into a place where serving one another is replaced by taking from everyone, the environment we exist in decays at an even faster rate. Human Beings by our nature are communal. We need each other not just to survive but to thrive. Basic existence is overrated when thriving is not only available and possible but is engaging and profound.

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Good over Evil

Our culture is confused as to what is good and what is evil. The standard for defining the difference has been intentionally blurred over the years. Might this shift be the attempt to reduce individual and group accountability? This disguise of being free without recourse to behaviors? As you ponder these thoughts allow yourself to explore a society where no good exists because we neglect to take accountability for our actions which do not serve the best interests of our communities. True freedom allows good and positive choice. Evil jails us into self and communal cages of false independence.

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Speeding to a quick end

As we go about our day, we are compelled to be in a rush. Hurrying from this activity to the next intending to accomplish more and more each day. Suddenly an event happens with the loss of a loved one and our world is put back into a clearer perspective. As valuable as contributing to society is when done for the benefit of all, if we rush into it without enjoying the journey then we are just piling up activity and not true value for our society, neighbor, or culture.

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