That spooky time of year is upon us again. When everyone has the chance to take off their mask and let their inner being show through to the world around them. Halloween seems to get bigger and bigger each and every year. Or at least that is what the retail marketing pushers want the world to believe. This is a good example of ghouls and goblins. So far to date I’m yet to actually meet or greet a ghoul or goblin. Maybe there is still an opportunity in my future. For now, they only exist in the minds of the story tellers.
As business leaders you need to ask yourself if your organization is promoting ghouls and goblins to your clients and customers? Are you promoting stuff which only exists in the minds of you and your team and don’t actually exist in the real world?
Most of us would answer no to this question until we start looking at promises made and missed to both our clients, customers, and our employees. This is where the “Halloween” takes place too frequently in our businesses and our customers are not looking to get involved with a relationship based on ghouls and goblins.
The fundamental premise is that you provide goods or services which your customer buys to relieve a problem or challenge. Your organization takes that issue away or at least reduces the pain it might be causing them. If the pain did not exist, then they would not need your goods or services. When your goods and services work as promised then the relationship proceeds into the future. If they are ghost, goblins or ghouls then the relationship stops rather abruptly. At that point in time, it becomes very difficult to convince the customer that it was just a Halloween issue and that really your goods and services are what you say they are. They are not just some masked up character which just happens to show up once a year in late October.
So as leaders how do we keep ghouls, goblins, ghost, and many other challenges away from your customers and clients?
One of the first places to look is at the basis by which you exist in the marketplace. What is your “Why” or “Purpose” for being in the marketplace? It sounds like a simple question but when leaders are asked this simple question, most of them default to a result of being in business and not why they deliver to the marketplace. They will say things like make money, make a profit etc. Don’t get me wrong – these are critical to being in business, but your customer is not concerned with that part of the business. They want their issue addressed to their satisfaction, so you need to be purposefully in the marketplace to bring authentic value to them.
By having a defined and well-integrated “Purpose, Core Values and Vision” for your organization, no one has to masquerade around hiding behind false promises. The foundation and framework are solid and the goods and services produced will be not only authentic but meet and potentially exceed your customers’ expectations.
This week go out ghost hunting in your organization to find any of those spooky characters or actions which are holding your business back from delighting your customers. Ghost bust them by putting in place the necessary “Purpose and Core Values” needed to keep everyone on the same path to greater success.
Interested in a means to bring your leaders and team members into a common understanding and appreciation for purpose? Give your Promise Guide at JKL Associates a call at MI (313) 527-7945 or FL (407) 984-7246.
Celebrating 30 years of Delivering on “Promises”