Last week’s insights spurred a few comments which has prompted some follow up on this area of the gap between an individuals need to find purpose and the opportunity for a business to provide at least part of the answer. Many leaders did not get into the business they are in to be human relationship experts. They pursued their business opportunity because of a…
Month: March 2023
As we go about our day, we are compelled to be in a rush. Hurrying from this activity to the next intending to accomplish more and more each day. Suddenly an event happens with the loss of a loved one and our world is put back into a clearer perspective. As valuable as contributing to society is when done for the benefit of all, if we rush into it without enjoying the journey then we are just piling up activity and not true value for our society, neighbor, or culture.
A short time ago I was listening/watching a videocast and the topic was about the level of commitment an individual or team of people may or may not have to achieve a given objective. What was most intriguing about the information being presented was that my takeaway was coming to me not from…
Our culture and society are bombarded by stuff on all fronts. From the office to the home and every other distraction that either falls in our way or we invite in to make the path less visible, we have reduced seeking the truth in the meaning of life. We seek transactions hoping they will be fulfilling but ultimately, they end up falling way short and we feel empty.
Tomorrow all around the globe, a special green beer day is celebrated. Although I’m not to fond of the green dye added to a perfectly good beverage, I fully get the spirit of the Go Green on St. Patrick’s Day – green pancakes, green eggs, green hair, green, green, green….. On such an occasion, we as business leaders just can’t skip over the green in our business which is much better known as “Profit.” So as the green beverages and…
Bring on the GREEN! – May the luck of the Irish be upon each of us on this day as we all hope to find that infamous 4 leaf clover or pot of treasures at the end of the rainbow. Should you be so blessed, remember to share as generosity is contagious.
From time-to-time business leaders will reference things that happen in the business and frame them as either an outcome or the results of some set of actions or events. They can be positive or negative. They can be a contribution to the plan or be a distraction to getting to the objectives. These words are…
As we rest each evening and sleep at night our brains are in a constant state of processing. Although part of this processing we must be thankful for as it keeps us breathing and heart pumping, there is a completely different part which is in the mode of distilling all of information overload points of the day. What to keep, what to discard and what to shape into valuable tools and skills to bring value to the culture we live in. It is in this gap of silence where we do our best sorting of data points so don’t miss out on that time of quiet.
In this time and age our workforce exists in many different arrangements. Some roles can be completely remote even to the extent in another part of the city, state, country or even continent. Some can be very flexible in that some of the time the person is in the office and other times working from home or other physical locations away from the organization. Yet some roles require…
Remote and Flexible should not mean without review or standardsRead More »