As 2025 begins, we have a unique opportunity to start over once again. We can look back on 2024 and think about all of the various things that went right and the equal, if not greater, number of things that did not turn out as desired. This new beginning is a time of alignment or, in many cases, re-alignment. We need to challenge ourselves and see if what we think is aligned with what we say and then what we actually do. It appears simple, but it is a struggle when working with many leaders.
Tag: Communication
A new year is upon us. New hopes, dreams, and challenges await the next 300+ days in our future. It is critically important that we never lose our hopes and dreams. They propel us and allow us to persevere under some of the most challenging events of our times. We do not know what tomorrow brings, but together, we have great capacity to get through it and thrive and build upon it. 2025 will be a significant launching point for the good our society has to offer. Let us not be distracted by the noise that offends our ears and clouds our minds.
A toast to an outstanding outcome in 2025 for whatever you are pursuing!
As we close another calendar year, we take this time to reflect on all that has taken place in 2024—the good, the bad, and the unfortunate. It is a time to rekindle hope for our future and be vulnerable enough to allow ourselves to truly learn from the past so we can be collectively better in the future.
Happy New Year!
May 2025 be all you desire it to be.
Two of the more feared words in business are responsibility and accountability. Depending on one’s position and view of the organization, these words can be feared for various reasons. Fear is not necessarily a bad thing. In fight-or-flight situations, the human mind kicks in and causes some pretty remarkable things to happen, which might be the difference between a good or poor outcome.
The word “Choice” is a very interesting part of our vocabulary. By definition, it states:…
Thanksgiving 2024 is tomorrow. At this time of year, JKL Associates wants to thank each of you, our readers, for your continued confidence and support. Your questions, challenges, and feedback, both when we agree and disagree, show all of us that when we consciously open our minds to respectful dialogue between people, there is nothing we can’t accomplish.
May your Thanksgiving holiday be blessed.
Job Descriptions have been the staple of the business hierarchal structure for years. Each level of the pyramid had its defined job boxes and the associated duties and tasks for each box. The general idea of separating and defining was the model that moved our complex capitalistic economy from agriculture to industrial.
Are your Job Descriptions out of step with today’s talent?Read More »
A critical ingredient in the recipe for a growing and prosperous business is attracting and developing the best possible talent in the marketplace. The talent pool has ebbed and flowed up and down for decades. In recent years, leaders have faced many challenges in acquiring talent to achieve their organization’s objectives. It has also been a challenge for the talent in the marketplace to be…
Well, election day is complete. At least the voting event is wrapped up. The hype and level of distraction over the past few months have been pretty heavy. Even if you were reasonably successful in tuning out much or some of the media, those people around you, in one form or fashion, attempted to drag you into the election dynamics.
Although the invention of the compass dates back well over 2000+ years and likely came about in different original forms based on the earth’s magnetic pull, the tools were a significant leap into superior navigation. As the world is primarily covered with water, being able to navigate not only by celestial bodies but also by the pull of the earth’s magnetism allowed civilizations to expand and flourish. With such guidance tools, the people who navigated exploration, trade, and even war used the compass to direct their actions to realize specific outcomes.