A Culture of Pursuit

In our society, we are presented with many options and opportunities. Some good and some not so great. What is interesting is that in either case there is someone in hot pursuit of it. From the young charging executive looking for the opportunity to be a leader of a company to the young charging street person looking for the opportunity to be the leader of a gang. Culture provides a great variety of things to pursue – choose wisely.

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Legacy = Permanence

For the past 6 weeks we have been walking the path of the Fix This Next model of what you should be working on to build your business into the asset it was dreamed to be at the start. We have looked at the Culture, Sales, Profit, Order and impact the business has the potential to excel at. We have also looked at where you need to be placing your time and investment energy. This week we wrap it all up and…

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Purpose Filled Culture

When a culture is glued together by a common purpose the vibration of positive outcomes radiates around it. The energy is like the intensity of the sun on a hot summer day. It penetrates deep into our body to fill us with warmth and convert our bodies chemical makeup into health and wellness. Today take time in silence to tap into that energy of purpose in your life and find a warmth of understanding.

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Impact = Transformation

On our journey of business leadership, we are now transitioning from the “Get” stages of business to the “Give” stages of business. We started a couple weeks back by having you look at the foundation of your business – the Culture. We then moved into the life blood of the business which is sales. With sales or revenue, cash on hand then comes moving to a place of stability which is the repeatability of profit. Being able to…

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Seeking Culture

One of humankinds greatest gifts is that of seeking out our culture. By exploring the most inner workings of the cultures we exist inside of we can learn much about our past, our present and our potential future. Culture discovery is not an instant gratification process. When we view our culture through the limited lens of a short period of time we only partially see the fullness of what it has to offer. Looking at our culture with a longterm perspectives allows us to view a rich past, a bountiful present and a wonderfully expanding future.

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Order = Efficiency

As we make our way up the hierarchy from sales to profit and now to order we are building more than a pyramid. You are building a business asset which is replicable and potentially saleable in the marketplace. When a business owner arrives at the point of exit or perpetuation the business MUST be an asset and not an anchor. Much like not having wind in your sails, having a business which is an anchor does not let you get out of the business what you put into it over the life of the business.

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Cultural Journey

The path we take leads us in many directions. We travel over a variety of tall mountains and deep valleys. Along the way we experience many cultures. A tapestry of people, colors, cuisine, and traditions. This collage of cultural input expands our understanding of who we are as individuals and how we are a contributor to this experience we call life.

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Profit, that wonderous word all our businesses desire even more than sales. If I ask an owner why they are in business, a great majority of the time the answer is to make money. I did not realize we were all in the printing business. Although we all want profit, we cannot get to it until we have consistent recurring revenue/sales to extract the profit from in our businesses. Additionally, we can only …

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Opportunity Culture

As we embrace 2021, the new year brings new opportunities and new challenges. New goals have been set and plans are unfolding to help us achieve our best outcomes. Even though chaos may appear to be around many corners, it is out of that disruption that positive change can and does happen. Don’t toss away the challenges you come across as road blocks but look at them through a new lens of opportunity.

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Sales = AIR

Today we jump right into the base or first level of the BHN – Business Hierarchy of Needs. As with the Maslow hierarchy, there are certain almost inevitable laws which govern states of existence. As human creatures there are some extremely basic things, we need in order to live. One of them is the air we breathe. In business there are also extremely basic things a business needs to exist. Sales are the air a business breathes. Like us humans when the air and oxygen stop then we stop existing. The same is true for a business when sales stop.

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