Wisdom is the right application of knowledge, resulting in the betterment, the integration, the wholeness of all mankind regardless of social or worldly pressures placed upon a decision or direction. Sometimes the right application is in direct opposition to the pressures placed upon us.

A Culture Where Wisdom PrevailsRead More »

Do Not Tell – Coach

In today’s world people are not looking to be sold something.  They are looking to be served.  Looking for a resolution to some situation which your product or service can mitigate to reduce some stress in their life. This is true of not just the acquisition of goods and services but also in the workplace as it related to the recruitment and hiring of talent.

Do Not Tell – CoachRead More »

If we want to discover the real beauty in our world look deeper and beyond the surface of our culture. All of us are directly apart of its ongoing creation. Each and every nuance that we contribute adds to the depth and color of our world. By being actively a part of our culture, you are adding your tiny but critical piece of beauty to the culture.

Culture as a Tapestry of BeautyRead More »

The JKL Associates Promise Culture model starts with “Purpose” at the center of the primary foundational elements of business and personal growth and success.  From this central point all other aspects of growth and success emanate.  In concert with purpose having both personal and business core values give the framework and guidance for all consistent communincation, transactions and decision-making efforts.

Analyzing 2021 in preparation for 2022Read More »

So Easily Distracted

Ever stop and just look and listen to what is going on around you? The noise, the drama, the distractions are so voluminous that somedays we cannot even find the silence necessary to see or hear truth and meaning. Today take a moment to go into the silence and discover something wonderful about yourself.

So Easily DistractedRead More »

The JKL Associates Promise Culture model starts with “Purpose” at the center of the primary foundational elements of business and personal growth and success.  From this central point all other aspects of growth and success emanate.  In concert with purpose having both personal and business core values give the framework and guidance for all consistent communincation, transactions and decision-making efforts.

The 5 V’s your organization needs to guide to the next level of successRead More »

Every day we all make a variety of commitments – to pick up dinner on the way home from the office, to attend your child’s sporting event etc. On some occasions we make promises such as marriage vows or a vow to another individual requiring a more immersed level of binding oneself to another. Our current culture has wandered away from holding people accountable to both commitments and promises allowing for vagueness to distort these critical aspects of living in a productive culture.

Commitments and PromisesRead More »

If you take some time to listen to business leaders talk about their journey of business startup through growth and success, somewhere in their story they will inevitably state that they finally had to stop holding onto everything and let their team perform. It is likely stated in a variety of ways but in one form or another the leader had to stop fearing and start trusting.

The Fear of Letting Go – Trusting Others and SelfRead More »

Like any good structure, the culture we live in is built upon a solid foundation and then is erected brick by brick. If the base foundation is formed on good principles, then each brick laid on top of the good foundation will erect a good culture. On the other hand, if the brick building is placed on top of poor principles, then the structure which is formed is jaded and will cause much hurt to those who exist inside of the culture.

Cultures are Built Brick by BrickRead More »

Everyone is familiar with the term Job Description.  It is that document which spells out the details of the tasks to be performed, the skills to perform those tasks and a variety of other elements to frame the job for the person filling the position. A challenge with a job description is that many that I read fall short in terms of defining for the person in the role exactly how their participation contributes to the organization.  It is like the job description builds a box around the person and holds them to the confines of the box rather than inviting them into contributing to the organization’s future.

Job Description vs Role ContributionRead More »