Map Your Strategy
Purpose without a plan is just wishful thinking. Wishful thinking goals without a plan are simply dreaming with little likelihood of being realized.
Move your “Purpose” from dreams into action. Craft your plan and put in motion those behaviors which move you in a positive direction toward your objectives.
As you build your toolbox of understanding and knowledge of your Purpose, Passion, Promises, and People, it is now time to frame the strategy to achieve! There are key areas for you to reflect upon and set challenging yet achievable goals. Look into both your personal and business goals so that a focus which aligns with your “Purpose” can be attained. This plan of action needs specifics and not generalities. Define performance timelines, measurement points, and key relationship to be part of each goal.
Your strategy framework or “Plan” sets energy in motion on the journey to a higher level of success.
Read More about each element of Promise Culture –
Purpose – Passion – Principles – Promises – People
Plan – Performance – Progress – Preservation