#9 Preservation

Build Your Legacy

Continuous improvement by learning, reframing and making constructive corrective action to the plan ensures the longevity of growth.

Each day at sunset you have the opportunity to evaluate your promises.  Those which you kept. Those which you fell away from. Those you recommitted to so that tomorrow will be another step toward your next level of success.

Living in the “Promise Culture” and holding yourself accountable to the measurement performance points of the plans, strategies, and tactics you are now ready to make additional course corrections and move from tactics to habits of success.

Both on a Personal and Business level you will need to make corrections along the journey.  When climbing the mountain and the trail is blocked by fallen trees or rocks an adjustment is necessary to move onward and upward.

“Promise Culture” is not some magical approach by which results and success just seem to happen.  It is a framework by which you and/or the organization and those inside the success environment can mutually be rewarded and individuals realize their innate “Purpose.”  It becomes part of the cycles of life and the cycles of business.  Much like Spring arrives to renew the surface of the earth from the cold of winter, so too does “Promise Culture” repeat to confirm your commitments and adapt to the ever-changing environments which make our business and personal journey so interesting.

Your journey through “Promise Culture” has taken one revolution toward a higher “Purpose.”  Congratulations on keeping your “Promise!”

Read More about each element of Promise Culture –



When experienced mountain climbers take on the challenge to climb Mt. Everest, they enlist a Sherpa or guide to take them from base camp to the higher levels on the mountain.  Your life and business are the most significant assents you will make.  Now is the time to engage “YourGuide@promiseculture.com.” Send us a quick note and we will get back to you.